Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Youth Service Consultation

The Conservative-led Warwickshire County Council is currently undertaking consultation regarding the proposed closure of Coten End Youth Centre, which is located within Warwick.  Bizarrely, the only public consultation was scheduled to take place at a youth club in Kenilworth.  Close enough, one might say, for those people with access to cars, but probably not for the young people currently using the centre.  Given that we are leading up to the exam period, holding an evening consultation for young people who are probably (hopefully?!) revising for their exams is bad planning, but it is the holidays after all.

John Holland, one of three Labour candidates for Warwick West, raised this at the Forbes Network Meeting and demanded that proper consultation take place within Warwick, so that everyone wishing to attend may do so.

Consultation regarding the closure will now take place at Coten End Youth and Community Centre on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011 at 6.30pm.  One of the Labour Team will be in attendance.