Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Calm down, dear

I wasn't really surprised by Mr Cameron's sexist and arrogant performance today. Sadly, this lack of integrity and values seems deep-rooted in the Conservative Party.

Over the last year, the Tory-led County Council has embarked on a quest to become a commissioner of services, rather than a provider of services. Fire Stations, Libraries, residential homes, home care, the youth service, all reduced or closed and communities left reeling. I'm not particularly surprised by all this. If people vote Tory, then they shouldn't be surprised when services disappear. It's what they do, what they believe in.

Imagine my confusion yesterday, when a leaflet popped through the door from the Conservatives, stating that they DON'T believe in cuts to front-line services. Clearly they've forgotten about all those they've made already. It would be funny, if it wasn't so misleading to voters. I think it is irresponsible to mislead voters in this way, and once again shows a lack of integrity within the Conservative Party.

There is only one party who can provide front-line defence against the cuts. Vote Labour on 5th May.