Friday 15 July 2011

News update

It has been a while since I've blogged on what we've been up to as a Labour group, working for the residents of Warwick West.

In the last few weeks, we've had a flurry of complaints from residents about road safety, both within the town centre and in Chase Meadow.  As town councillors, we don't sit on a council that has any control over the roads but what we can do is help residents lobby for road safety measures.

In Chase Meadow, the road in question is the main road through the estate and current parking arrangements mean that residents are having difficulty in crossing the road safely, as parked vehicles are impossible to see through.  In the morning school children compete with the traffic and quite a few people have remarked that double yellow lines and a pedestrian crossing would make this road a lot safer for everyone.  We've contacted the Highways team and have started to lobby hard for this.  I am very glad that the Chase Meadow Residents Association are in agreement with this, and hopefully we will be able to report an update on this soon.

I've also had contact with the District Council about the grass cutting, weeds and other maintenance issues around the Chase Meadow estate.  The officer agreed to talk a walk around with me and we identified quite a few problems that need addressing, including overhanging branches, faulty streetlights and unadopted roads.  He wrote it all down and promised to work with the County Council to resolve these issues.

It doesn't really matter that some of these things are County or District functions.  Personally, I am happy to take up any issue that is concerning residents and find a way through to a resolution, and I know that this view is shared by my Labour Party colleagues in Warwick.